

Bunions are a common foot deformity, especially in females, that most frequently result from wearing shoes that are too small and or have a high heel. Abnormal pressure from poor fitting shoes causes the bones in the big toe and foot to move out of position resulting in a large painful bump on the side of the foot at the big toe. Simply changing to a wider shoe with a low heel can treat some bunions. If non-surgical treatments fail, surgery may be necessary to restore normal alignment, pain-free movement and function.

Bunion Symptoms

If you have a bunion, the base of your big toe will stick out and form a bump on the side of your foot. A bunion can be large, red, swollen and painful. The skin on the bottom of your foot may thicken and form a painful callus. It may hurt to bend your toe, walk, or wear shoes. A bunion also causes your foot to look different. Your big toe may lean towards your second toe or the first few toes on your foot may lean and overlap.