Facet Joint Syndrome

Facet Joint Syndrome

Your facet joints connect the bones that align to make up your spine. When you have healthy facet joints, they glide freely and allow movement. Your facet joints provide stability and allow spine motion. Natural aging, injury, arthritis and certain spine conditions can change the way that the facet joints move which leads to pain and restricted motion. Such symptoms are referred to as facet joint syndrome.

Facet Joint Syndrome Symptoms

Facet joint syndrome in the cervical spine can cause neck and shoulder pain, stiffness and headaches. It may be difficult to turn your head, and eventually, you may need to turn your entire body to see from side to side. Facet joint syndrome in the lumbar spine can cause pain in the lower back, buttocks and the back of the thighs. Your pain and stiffness may make it difficult for you to stand up or move.