

The sciatic nerve extends from your lower back down to your feet. If your sciatic nerve is compressed or inflamed, a painful condition called Sciatica can result. Trauma, spinal conditions or medical conditions that irritate the sciatic nerve cause Sciatica. The majority of people with Sciatica experience relief with non-surgical treatments. However, those with spinal conditions can benefit from surgery that eliminates the pressure on the sciatic nerve if other treatments fail.

Sciatica Symptoms

Severe pain is the most common symptom of Sciatica. Other symptoms of Sciatica include shooting pain, tingling, weakness and numbness that may travel from the lower back, through the back of one leg and into your foot. The pain usually begins deep in the lower back and spreads to one side. The pain may shoot down one buttock and travel down the back of your leg. Sciatic leg pain typically feels worse than the back pain.
You may feel burning pain, tingling, weakness, or numbness in your calf, foot, or toes. The pain or weakness may be so bad that you cannot move your foot, bend your knee, or walk. You may have trouble standing up and your pain may be worse when you sneeze, laugh, cough, bend backwards or have a bowel movement. In rare cases, the loss of bowel and bladder control accompanied by significant arm or leg weakness indicates a possible serious problem. If you experience these symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention.