Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow results when the tendons that attach to the inner elbow degenerate. Tendons do not stretch easily and are vulnerable to degeneration during repetitive motions, such as those used during a golf swing or work activities. The pain of Golfer’s Elbow occurs where the tendons attach to the elbow bone (medial epicondyle) and can radiate down the forearm. Recovery from Golfer’s Elbow can take several months. It is important to manage the condition with rest, rehabilitation, and lifestyle or sports modifications, such as changing the technique of a golf swing.

Golfer’s Elbow Symptoms

A main symptom of Golfer’s Elbow is pain and tenderness at the inner side of the elbow that increases during wrist flexion or grasping motions. The pain may radiate down the forearm.